Psalm 119 Guided Bible Study Printable set ~ workbook ~ SOAP personal study journal ~ Hebrew ~ Jewish ~ Christian ~ BONUS printables

Psalm 119 Guided Bible Study Printable set ~ workbook ~ SOAP personal study journal ~ Hebrew ~ Jewish ~ Christian ~ BONUS printables
Beautiful Psalm 119 comes alive with this amazing guided Bible study workbook. I lovingly created the original watercolor art as I studied this psalm myself. Psalm 119 is the longest psalm in the Bible. It is written as an acrostic poem, with each “stanza” of 8 verses beginning with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet (or “aleph bet”). This Bible study is self-guided, and uses the SOAP study method to lead you in your personal study. Included in the set are extra printable bonus pieces to enhance your focus on each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which are so important in the structure of this beautiful psalm.
Four pdf files for easy printing.
(1) Bible study workbook
The cover and pages of this beautiful study are decorated with original watercolor art featuring the Hebrew alphabet. This 53-page document is intended to print one-sided on letter size white paper. The margins are set up with extra space on the left of each page for binding, whether you have it spiral bound or punch holes for a 3-ring binder.
At the beginning of the book is an explanation of the S.O.A.P. study method. This method takes God’s Word from the pages of your Bible and helps them get into your mind and heart. “S” stands for “Scripture”, and you are encouraged to hand write the verses you are working on. “O” stands for “Observation” and this is where you will record special things that you observe and learn from the verses. “A” is for “Application” where you will write out some ways that you can apply what you have learned to your heart and life. “P” is for “Prayer” and this is where you will turn the verses and thoughts into prayer. By using this special study method, you will be amazed at how personal each and every verse will become. Your love for God and for His Word is sure to grow.
After the explanation of the study method, there are two pages for each “stanza” of the psalm. Each set of two workbook pages features one Hebrew letter, and leads you through the SOAP study method for its stanza of the psalm.
(2) Bookmarks
A 2-page full color pdf intended to print front and back on white cardstock. The bookmarks are five to a page, with crop marks for easy cutting/trimming. You can use them plain, or punch a hole at the top and add a ribbon.
(3) Hebrew letter and verse cards
These beautiful 4” x 4” cards are the perfect accompaniment to this study. This is a 6-page pdf with four cards on each page, including every Hebrew letter with a verse from its stanza of the poem. Also included are two bonus cards with the Hebrew alphabet illustrated in different ways. These are intended to print 1-sided on white cardstock and cut apart at the easy to follow crop marks.
(4) Hebrew Aleph Bet letter chart
Original watercolor illustrations of each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, with the English transliteration to help you pronounce each letter. This letter size 1-page pdf is intended to print 1-sided on white paper or cardstock.
Four pdf files for easy printing.
(1) Bible study workbook
The cover and pages of this beautiful study are decorated with original watercolor art featuring the Hebrew alphabet. This 53-page document is intended to print one-sided on letter size white paper. The margins are set up with extra space on the left of each page for binding, whether you have it spiral bound or punch holes for a 3-ring binder.
At the beginning of the book is an explanation of the S.O.A.P. study method. This method takes God’s Word from the pages of your Bible and helps them get into your mind and heart. “S” stands for “Scripture”, and you are encouraged to hand write the verses you are working on. “O” stands for “Observation” and this is where you will record special things that you observe and learn from the verses. “A” is for “Application” where you will write out some ways that you can apply what you have learned to your heart and life. “P” is for “Prayer” and this is where you will turn the verses and thoughts into prayer. By using this special study method, you will be amazed at how personal each and every verse will become. Your love for God and for His Word is sure to grow.
After the explanation of the study method, there are two pages for each “stanza” of the psalm. Each set of two workbook pages features one Hebrew letter, and leads you through the SOAP study method for its stanza of the psalm.
(2) Bookmarks
A 2-page full color pdf intended to print front and back on white cardstock. The bookmarks are five to a page, with crop marks for easy cutting/trimming. You can use them plain, or punch a hole at the top and add a ribbon.
(3) Hebrew letter and verse cards
These beautiful 4” x 4” cards are the perfect accompaniment to this study. This is a 6-page pdf with four cards on each page, including every Hebrew letter with a verse from its stanza of the poem. Also included are two bonus cards with the Hebrew alphabet illustrated in different ways. These are intended to print 1-sided on white cardstock and cut apart at the easy to follow crop marks.
(4) Hebrew Aleph Bet letter chart
Original watercolor illustrations of each letter of the Hebrew alphabet, with the English transliteration to help you pronounce each letter. This letter size 1-page pdf is intended to print 1-sided on white paper or cardstock.